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When I say the word

I’m reminded of what you did.

i still feel it.

Everything became grey after that, everything was nothing. That’s when I started to make myself feel nothing.

My mouth speaks no words, yet all I can hear is myself scream. My face smiles, yet all I feel are tears rolling down my face. My ears hear my friends conversing, yet all I can really hear is your dominating but kind voice from the night you took away what was left of me. My hands lay flat by my side, lifeless.

Even though the leaves still fall,

The snow still sticks,

The sun still shines,

The holidays pass by,

The days get longer,

The temperature gets hotter,

and the grass gets greener,

The truth is that I still feel it all the same,

All of it.

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Hey there, 

I'm Deets. I'm a writer in my 20s. I'm hoping to help people with my writing.


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