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What could have been.

In a world where hearts can't comprehend,

A loss of someone never held, or freely spent.

How can tears fall for a stranger's embrace?

A soul unknown, yet left a void in space.

Whispers of names, carried by the wind,

Echoes of love that never truly begin,

Fate's cruel twist, a connection unmade,

Yet, grief still seeps, as emotions cascade.

Imagined moments, never to unfold,

A story untold, an untold story, it's told,

Dreams of laughter and basking in delight,

Into the abyss, soon taken out of sight.

Missing colours of a life never seen,

Flashes of a face, like a vivid dream,

Yearning for a touch that will never be known,

Yearning for a love that could have grown.

The emptiness lingers, a throbbing ache,

Painful reminders with every step we take,

Yet, in the depths of sorrow we confide,

Finding solace in the tears that we hide.

For though you were never physically near,

Your absence is felt, crystal clear,

A cosmic loss of a soul so unknown,

Yet in our hearts, a love has grown.

In the realm of what could have been,

We mourn a secret bond, an unseen sin,

But know that in the depths of our regret,

A flame forever burns, we'll never forget.

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Hey there, 

I'm Deets. I'm a writer in my 20s. I'm hoping to help people with my writing.


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