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Anxiety Attack.

I close my eyes when all I want is to cry.

I breathe deep and try to calm my mind, but it's no use.

My body shakes—it feels like an earthquake.

Think of the smell: sweet or bitter? Which do you think it is?

Keep calm! We don't want all eyes upon us.

The answer is clear in their eyes and in their mouths: they'll judge me with their eyes and their mouths.

What can I say? Other than "don't see my pain." For my pain is my weakness, and it's my little secret.

So turn around if you must; I cannot bear your eyes. In this struggle not to cry, the weight on my chest becomes too much to bear. My muscles tighten as if preparing for a crash landing—and then…I sit here wondering if I stay or go? Am I dying or just experiencing an anxiety attack? It's death or…an anxiety attack!

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Hey there, 

I'm Deets. I'm a writer in my 20s. I'm hoping to help people with my writing.


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